Search by Player Name

To search by player/manager name, simply type what part of the name that you know.  The search engine is case insensitive, so Mickey Mantle is the same as mIcKeY MaNtLe.
When using The Barry Code site, you can utilize the following types of searches:

First Name Last Name - This search consist of entering a full first name and full last name of a player
First Name or Last Name Only - Enter the first or last name of the player you know and the search engine will return related results that contain that name
Exact First Name Partial Last Name - This search consist of entering a full first name and the piece or initial of the last name of a player
Partial First Name Exact Last Name - This search consist of entering a partial or piece of the first name and the exact last name of a player

If you are not sure of the player's name, don't worry, the search engine will come up with a list of players who match closest to your spelling. If you only know what the first or last name letter starts with, try our Search by Letter Search Engine just below the Player search engine on the left hand menu.
Code Command - Baseball's Artificial Intelligence Decision Engine (Commands that can be entered in the search engine)
Enter a 4 digit year and a franchise symbol or team name, i.e., 2008 BOS, 1998 BOSOX.
  2a) Enter a 4 digit year and (birthday|deathday|birthdate|deathdate) {s}, i.e., 2008 death dates or 1960 birthdays
  2b) Enter a month and day, i.e., March 14 birthdays of Dec 27 deathdays
Weight: Weight = 200 pounds, Players who weigh > 270 lbs, Weight < 250 lbs. The 5 mathematical operators can be used (>,=,<,>=,<=).
Height: Height = 6 foot 2 inches, Height > 6 foot 5, Players Height<5 foot. The 5 mathematical operators can be used (>,=,<,>=,<=)
Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI = 25 pounds, Players with bmi> 35 lbs, Body mass index < 18. The 5 mathematical operators can be used (>,=,<,>=,<=). 2 decimal points are allowed as an option as well for the BMI search, such as bmi=35.97.
Team Attendance: Enter a 4 digit year and the word attendance, i.e., 2006 ATTENDANCE, or attendance with the 5 operators such as 2006 attendance >=2000000
Player Salary/Payroll: Enter a 4 digit year and the phrase salary or salaries or payroll or pay, i.e., 2006 team payroll. Also, the 5 operators can be used as well to filter such as 2006 payroll >=20000000
Team Salary/Payroll: Enter a 4 digit year and the phrase team salary or team salaries or team payroll or team pay, i.e., 2006 team payroll. Also, the 5 operators can be used as well to filter such as 2006 team payroll >=50000000
Franchise History: Enter a 3 digit franchise code with nothing else to see the entire history of that franchise. For example, enter NYY to see all years of the Yankee Team History
Year Summary for teams: Enter a 4 digit year with an optional league filter (NL/AL/MLB/National League/American League) to see the team summary for that year. I.E., enter 2007 to see the team summary for 2007, or 2008NL or AL 2009 or American League 2006.
Debuts/Retirements/All-Star/Hall of Fame/Awards: Enter a 4 digit year and debut/retirement/allstar/all-star/HOF/Hall of Fame/award (s) to see the debuts,retirements,all stars, and hall of fame action for that year. I.E., enter 2007 debuts to see the debuts for 2007.
Hall of Fame or All-Star Teammates: Enter "Hall of Fame" or "HOF" or "AllStar" or "All-Star" followed by either "teammates" or "who played together". A 4 digit year as well as a team name or franchise code is optional as well, to filter your results even more, i.e., 1961 Hall of Fame teammates or 1984 All star teammates. Also, 1959 CHW allstar teammates. To see the entire list of everybody who was ever a hall of fame teammate or an all-star teammate, do not type a 4 digit year.
Teammates of a Player: Enter "Teammates of " followed by a Player's name or a Player's name followed by "teammates
Managers of a Player: Enter "Managers of " followed by a Player's name or a Player's name followed by "managers
World Series/Division/League Wins: Enter "World Series" or "WS" or "Division" or "League" or "LG" followed by "wins" or "winners"
Standings: Enter a 4 digit year followed by "standings" or "standings" followed by a 4 digit year
Team Wins/Losses or Franchise Wins/Losses: Enter "team" or "franchise" followed by the word "wins" or "losses", followed by one of the 5 mathematical operators (>,=,<,>=,<=) followed by a number to see the teams who made your list. I.E., team wins >= 100. Or, enter a 3 digit franchise code or team name followed by the word "wins" or "losses", followed by one of the 5 mathematical operators (>,=,<,>=,<=) followed by a number NYY wins >100 or Orioles wins > 95
Astrological Birthdates in a year: Enter a 4 digit year followed by an astrological sign such as "1950 Taurus" or "1962 Aries Birthdays"
Lucky-Champagne-Golden-Grand Birthdays - Enter a 4 digit year followed by one of the terms mentioned before to find which players have a golden birthday (the year they reach the age of their day of birth). I.E., 1980 golden birthdays.
Players Born and Died on the same Month and Day - born and died on the same or birth and death on the same or same birth and death or followed by the optional words day or date
Players Debut Game and Final Game on the same Month and Day (but not year) - Enter "debut and end on the same" or "start and finish on the same" or "begin and end on the same" or "start and end on the same" followed by the optional words "day" or "date"
Players Born/Died on the same exact date,city,state, and country - Enter "copycat birthdays" or "copycat birthdates" or "copycat deathdays" or "copycat deathdates"
Lottery Birthdays - Players who are born on the same numberical month/day/year like 5/5/1905 Enter "lottery birthdays" or "fortuneteller birthdates"
Palindrome Names (First or Last) - Players who have a first name or last name that is spelled exactly the same backwards and forwards such as Kazak. Enter "palindrome last name" or "palindrome first name"
No Vowel Names (First or Last) - Players who have a first name or last name that contains no vowels (a,e,i.o,u). Enter "no vowel first names" or "last names with no vowels" or "last name no vowels"
Start and end letter for names or alliteration names: Players who have a first name and a last name that starts and ends with the same letter, i.e., Hugh High. Enter "matchingstartandendletternames". Players who have a first and last name which forms an alliteration, i.e., Andy Abad, enter "alliteration" or "alliteration names"
Cumulative Franchise Attendance: Enter "attendance total" or "cumulative attendance" or "total attendance" with an optional franchise code such as "LAD total attendance" or team name to see the cumulative attendance for franchises since the MLB inception.
Managers who never Played MLB Baseball - Enter "manager only" or "managed never played" or "managed and never played"
One Day Careers - Enter "one day career" or "one day wonder". An optional 4 digit year filter is accepted as well, such as "1955 one day career"
Expatriates - Players who were born in USA and died in another country. Enter "expatriates" or "expats" or "born in america died elsewhere" or "born in usa died elsewhere"
Name Lengths - Players who have the 50 longest names or 50 shortest names. Enter "long names" or "longest names" or "short names" or "shortest names"
Award Counts: mvp>3, silver slugger awards>5, gold glove winners=4, cy young=2, Triple crown awards>2. The 5 mathematical operators can be used (>,=,<,>=,<=). .
World Series wins by a manager: manager world series wins=4, manager championships>3,mgr ws rings>2. The 5 mathematical operators can be used (>,=,<,>=,<=). .
Silver Slugger and Gold Glove award in the same year: Silver Slugger and gold glove, Silver Slugger and Gold glove winners,Silver Slugger and Gold Glove in the same year.
Back to Back M.V.P. awards: back to back mvp, consecutive m.v.p. awards.
mm/dd/yyyy: Enter a date in this format, such as 8/4/1978 and the calculator will show you what MLB players were born and deceased on that date in history.
Player Initials: Enter a players initials, i.e., D.S. or MR and the code command will show you all players with those intitials.
Nicknames: Nickname = Bambino or players with nickname = Pudge and the code command will show you all players with a nickname containing that phrase. Your command must end with nickname=
Played for 2 franchises: Example: ANA and CHC will show you anybody who has played for both the ANA and CHC franchise. White Sox and Yankees will show you anybody who has played for both teams.
Born on a day of week. You can type born on Monday or died on Thursday for a list of player who were born or died on that date.

Note: - Spacing and upper and lower case do not matter. Ask Barry is case-insensitive, which means we will handle the spacing and casing for you!