Player Name
Luke Appling
Herman Bell
Max Bishop
Joe Boley
Zeke Bonura
Bill Breckinridge
Clint Brown
George Burns
Bullet Joe Bush
Sugar Cain
Sol Carter
Italo Chelini
Watson Clark
Ty Cobb
Mickey Cochrane
Eddie Collins
Doc Cramer
Hughie Critz
Jim Cronin
Art Daney
Harry Danning
Kiddo Davis
Bill Dietrich
Chuck Dressen
Jimmy Dykes
George Earnshaw
Howard Ehmke
Red Evans
Lou Finney
Freddie Fitzsimmons
Jimmie Foxx
Walt French
Lefty Grove
Frank Grube
Mule Haas
Sammy Hale
Spence Harris
Joe Hassler
Joe Hauser
Jackie Hayes
Johnnie Heving
Pinky Higgins
Waite Hoyt
Carl Hubbell
Travis Jackson
Bernie James
Jing Johnson
Jim Keesey
Vern Kennedy
Lew Krausse
Mike Kreevich
Bevo LeBourveau
Hank Leiber
Sam Leslie
Glenn Liebhardt
Dolf Luque
Ted Lyons
Roy Mahaffey
Al Mahon
Joe Malay
Gus Mancuso
Cloy Mattox
Hank McDonald
Eric McNair
Bing Miller
Rudy Miller
Jimmy Moore
Jo-Jo Moore
Joseph Morrissey
Bud Morse
Lefty O'Doul
Ossie Orwoll
Mel Ott
Joe Palmisano
Roy Parmelee
Homer Peel
Charlie Perkins
Cy Perkins
Jim Peterson
Ray Phelps
Tony Piet
Ike Powers
Jack Quinn
Rip Radcliff
Paul Richards
Les Rock
Eddie Rommel
Larry Rosenthal
Blondy Ryan
Jack Salveson
Wally Schang
Hal Schumacher
Luke Sewell
Merv Shea
Al Simmons
Tris Speaker
Glenn Spencer
Ray Starr
Monty Stratton
George Stumpf
Homer Summa
Bill Terry
Les Tietje
Phil Todt
George Uhle
Johnny Vergez
Rube Walberg
Dixie Walker
George Washington
Phil Weintraub
John Whitehead
Dib Williams
Whit Wyatt
Carroll Yerkes

Teammates of Bill Shores

Manager Name

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