29 MLB Players deceased in Sarasota, FL

#PlayerDate of Death
1.Morrie Aderholt3/18/1955
2.Johnny Cooney7/8/1986
3.Paul Derringer11/17/1987
4.Wes Ferrell12/9/1976
5.Ken Frailing8/25/2022
6.Billy Goodman10/1/1984
7.Bruno Haas6/5/1952
8.Butch Henline10/9/1957
9.Art Johnson6/7/1982
10.Bob Keely5/20/2001
11.Billy Klaus12/3/2006
12.Lew Krausse9/6/1988
13.Joe Lutz10/20/2008
14.Heinie Manush5/12/1971
15.Ray Mowe8/14/1968
16.Ike Pearson3/17/1985
17.Gary Peters1/26/2023
18.Lou Possehl10/7/1997
19.Tom Saffell9/10/2012
20.Paul Schreiber1/28/1982
21.Bill Short2/2/2022
22.Chuck Stobbs7/11/2008
23.Billy Sullivan1/4/1994
24.George Susce2/25/1986
25.Ben Van Dyke10/22/1973
26.Al Verdel4/16/1991
27.Paul Waner8/29/1965
28.Dwight Wertz5/26/1958
29.Hoyt Wilhelm8/23/2002

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